Wednesday 11 May 2011

It's been a while!

I know I meant to keep this going but things like holidays got in the way but hopefully now things will start getting back to normal again for us and I can get back to writing this more often. I still need to sort out the spare room properly but I'll get there with that, it's been on hold the last month as well but at least I have the shelves sorted out now to put the boxes on once they're filled!
As for my diet, well, there have been some ups and downs over the last month or so, I've lost a total of 25.4lbs since the 10th of January, which although isn't amazing I'm really pleased with it and am determined to keep going with it and reach my target, yes I've finally set myself one!lol I haven't set a weight I want to get to, I just want to be able to buy clothes in a normal shop again, I think that's totally achievable as well by next summer :-) And those fried breakfasts while we were in Sheffield were totally worth every mouthful ;-D
And so onto whats happening now, well, I've been back on the slimfast for over a week, my weights nearly back to the lowest it's been this year (0.2lb to go so fingers crossed for tomorrow or Friday!lol) but that is all going to change for 2 weeks. I've been asked to change what I eat as part of a study for 2 weeks and after looking into it I decided to accept the challenge and applied, I just heard back that I've been accepted and the items I need will arrive tomorrow! I'll let you know how it goes but wont be able to say what I'm doing sadly but hopefully it'll all help out anyway :-)

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