Sunday, 17 February 2013

My First: iPad Game

This one is entirely Zoe's fault over at Splodz Blogz, she made a post this week about a couple of games she's been playing on her iPad and one of them looked so much fun that I just had to try it out for myself.
It's a bit like the games I love playing on Facebook where you have to build things to raise money to be able to build new things. You get tasks to complete which advance you through the game but with this one being The Simpson's it's just that much more fun! You get to order about the characters that we all know and love from the TV show, getting them to complete jobs while you build the town up again (yes, Homer did destroy Springfield yet again!lol) I've been playing it for a couple of days now but I'm totally hooked and looking forward to seeing what the game has in store for me over the next few days/weeks/months :-D

And if you want to play too, please add me as a neighbour, I'm MunchKim2013

My First: Hair Mask

I know I have won some of these a few times over the years but my hair's always been in really good condition so I've given most away to friends and family. Unfortunately I had to use one recently, a set of hair products I was sent to trial left my hair extremely dry and brittle after 2 uses (yes I did stop using them then and reported this to the company) so I needed to find something to help me out of the mess my hair was in.

The answer was sat on my shelf from a win last month, I was lucky enough to win a Herbal Essences Intensive Hair Mask on Twitter and it was just sat there looking at me. I've always had good results from this brand, I know some people have problems with them but I'm sorry, they smell good and my hair likes them so I will continue to use them.
Anyway, after just one use (used instead of conditioner & left on for 5 mins) my hair was straight back to normal again, soft and silky and looking healthy, so I'll certainly be keeping it handy incase I have any bad hair experiences again!

Saturday, 16 February 2013

My First: Passport!

Yes, I know I probably should have got myself one of these years ago but the need just didn't arise until recently but anyway I started the process in December and finally this week I received my first passport.
I really cant wait to use it, there are so many firsts I can have from this one too, first flight, first time in each country, there are so many to look forward to :-D

Saturday, 2 February 2013

I will be back .... again!

I had such a promising start to the year with this blog didn't I? And I really did mean to keep it going but sometimes life gets in the way sadly. I know some of you know what is going on with me but I wanted to explain here as well incase anyone had missed it and thought I'd just given up on my blogging challenge to myself this year (I haven't by the way, it's just on hold temporarily)

A week or so into December last year I had quite a bad bout of gall stone pain which was quickly followed by what we suspected to be norovirus (vomiting & diarrhoea for a couple of days) and then I had more stomach cramps again which seemed to be something some people suffered from after having that horrible virus. All over Christmas most times I ate I would get crippling pains but I managed to cope and we had a good if quiet time together while Dave was off work.

A couple of weeks ago the pain got really severe one night and Dave took me over to A&E, they kept me in overnight while they ran some tests but there wasn't time to do the ultrasound scan as I was getting really stressed and my blood pressure was getting far too high. They sent me home and last week I went in again and had the scan done. The operator told me what she'd found and after a bit of googling I discovered that it would probably mean me having to have an operation which has been confirmed by my consultant this week. I really need to have my gallbladder removed now and one of my stones has escaped it and become stuck in my bile duct and that is what is causing me so many problems right now.

So thats where things stand right now, I'm waiting to have a scope go down my throat to pick out that escaping stone (about 2 weeks he said) and also to have my gall bladder removed via keyhole surgery (about a month on this one) both of which will be new things for me so they do kind of fit in with my plan for this year but not exactly the sort of thing I was hoping for really.

Anyway, on the bright side, I have my interview arranged for getting my first passport (another first here you see) and I know, no matter how stressful being in hospital might be for me it will be worth it as I'm getting rid of the part of me that has caused me so much pain on and off for virtually my whole adult life (I've also heard that it can help with weight loss having it out so there's another positive too!lol)